GENERAL Question

Yes, this is true and proven. Chamomile tea is helpful for those suffering from sleeping troubles or insomnia. Chamomile contains the flavonoid, apigenin that binds itself to benzodiazepine receptors in the brain. Thus, it has mild sedative properties that help to soothe your nerves after a stressful day and bring about full cycles of peaceful, undisturbed sleep.

Once again, yes! Camomile tea has 0% caffeine content as it’s not a product of the usual tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, which naturally contains Theanine and caffeine. Instead, it is a kind of herbal tea, made from the dried flowers of Chamomile plants.

Chamomile is a rich source of glycine that helps in reducing muscle spasms. During menstruation cycles, women experience severe cramps in their lower abdomen and uterus area. Chamomile acts as a natural pain reliever in such cases, by helping the muscles to relax.

Absolutely. A warm brew of chamomile is beneficial for a number of health benefits, even in children. It helps in boosting their immunity system, curing sore throat, cough and congestion. Also, chamomile is a mild sedative; hence, it is absolutely safe for children of all ages.

Hi. As per studies, chamomile helps in lowering blood sugar levels.